Marinated Bean Dip
Adapted From: Rhoda


Marinated Bean Dip

1 can Black Eyed Peas (drained)

1 can Pinto Beans (drained)

1 can Kidney Beans (drained)

1 can Black Beans (drained)

1-2 can Corn (drained)

1 jar Pimento (small; diced and drained)

1 cup Onion (diced)

1 cup Green Pepper (or red peppers; diced)

1 cup Celery (diced)

4-5 Jalapenos (diced)

1 tsp Salt

1/2 tsp Pepper

1 Tbs Water

3/4 cup Cider Vinegar

1/2 cup Salad Oil

1 cup Sugar

Garlic Powder

Cayenne Pepper


Mix peas, beans, corn, pimentos, and vegetables in a colander.
Rinse and drain thoroughly.
Place into a large Tupperware bowl and dust the top liberally with garlic powder and cayenne pepper.
In a small sauce pan combine salt, pepper, water, vinegar, oil, and sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat.
Immediately pour over the bean and vegetable mixture.
Mix gently and refrigerate at least 4 hours or over night before serving.
The flavor of this intensifies the longer it is kept in the refrigerator.

Serve with Frito Scoops or Tostitos Scoops.

(You may want to drain some of the marinade before serving.)

Katie Dishes - Two Thumbs Up

To be honest, I turned my nose up at this at first. I am not a bean person, and I didn't think it looked good or sounded good. But this is quite a suprising recipe. It is an interesting alternative to salsa. I am now a believer! YUM

User Comments

  • 07/24/2011 by Jackie Felts:  Loved this at Harper's baptism. My husband Ben insisted I find the recipe:). Yummy!!!